Paper: | WE1.16.2 |
Session: | Climate Data Records From Satellite Observations to Analyse Climate Variability and Change III |
Time: | Wednesday, July 25, 08:40 - 09:00 |
Presentation: |
Topic: |
Invited Sessions: Climate Data Records From Satellite Observations to Analyse Climate Variability and Change |
Title: |
The ESA GlobAlbedo Project for mapping the Earth's land surface albedo for 15 years from European sensors. |
Authors: |
Jan-Peter Muller; University College London | | |
| Gerardo López Saldaña; University College London | | |
| Gill Watson; University College London | | |
| Neville Shane; University College London | | |
| Tom Kennedy; University College London | | |
| Philip Lewis; University College London | | |
| Jürgen Fisher; Freie Universität Berlin | | |
| Luis Guanter; Freie Universität Berlin | | |
| Carlos Domenech; Freie Universität Berlin | | |
| Réné Preusker; Freie Universität Berlin | | |
| Peter North; Swansea University | | |
| Andreas Heckel; Swansea University | | |
| Olaf Danne; Brockmann Consult GmbH | | |
| Uwe Kraämer; Brockmann Consult GmbH | | |
| Marco Zühlke; Brockmann Consult GmbH | | |
| Norman Fomferra; Brockmann Consult GmbH | | |
| Carsten Brockmann; Brockmann Consult GmbH | | |
| Peter Yuen; University College London | | |
| Simon Pinnock; European Space Agency | | |