Technical Program

Paper Detail

Session:ESA's candidate Earth Explorer missions - BIOMASS, CoReH2O, PREMIER II
Time:Thursday, July 26, 16:40 - 17:00
Presentation: Oral
Topic: Invited Sessions: ESA's candidate Earth Explorer missions - BIOMASS, CoReH2O, PREMIER
Title: PREMIER - A Candidate ESA Earth Explorer Mission for Space-Based Observations in the UTLS
Authors: Brian J. Kerridge; Rutherford Appleton Laboratory 
 Michaela I. Hegglin; University of Toronto 
 Jack McConnell; York University 
 Donal Murtagh; Chalmers University of Technology 
 Johannes Orphal; Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) 
 Vincent-Henri Peuch; ECMWF 
 Martin Riese; FZ Juelich 
 Michiel van Weele; KNMI 
 Joerg Langen; European Space Agency ESTEC