My IGARSS 2012 Schedule

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Note: Times and locations are subject to change.

Monday, July 23
13:30 - 15:10
MO3.10: NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive Mission Approach to Pre-Flight Testing of Retrieval Algorithms Room 2
MO3.6: EOS Aqua Contributions to Earth Science: The First 10 Years I Room 3
MO3.14: Dynamics of Earth Processes and Climate Change: Biosphere I Room 4A
MO3.4: Information Extraction from High Resolution Imagery Room 4B
MO3.2: Recent Advancements in POLSAR Imaging in Honor of Prof. Boerner's 75th Birthday I Room 5
MO3.3: Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy Missions: Updates, and Global Datasets and Products I organized by the Technical Committee Room 11
MO3.8: Active/Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of Terrestrial Snow I Room 12A
MO3.7: Data Fusion I organized by the Technical Committee Room 12B
MO3.12: Biomass Estimation using L-band SAR Room 13A
MO3.15: New Satellite Missions I Room 13B
MO3.5: Motion Analysis Room 14A
MO3.13: Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (NPP) Overview and Sensor Data Records Room 14B
MO3.1: Bistatic SAR I Room 14C
MO3.11: Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Room 21A
MO3.16: Applications of Infrared Imaging of Air-Water Interfaces Room 21B
MO3.9: Remote Sensing of Sea Surface Salinity I Room 22A
15:40 - 17:20
MO4.10: Soil Moisture: Aquarius and SMAP Room 2
MO4.6: EOS Aqua Contributions to Earth Science: The First 10 Years II Room 3
MO4.14: Dynamics of Earth Processes and Climate Change: Biosphere II Room 4A
MO4.4: Advances in High Resolution Optical Techniques Room 4B
MO4.2: Recent Advancements in POLSAR Imaging in Honor of Prof. Boerner's 75th Birthday II Room 5
MO4.3: Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy Missions: Updates, and Global Datasets and Products II organized by the Technical Committee Room 11
MO4.8: Active/Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of Terrestrial Snow II Room 12A
MO4.7: Data Fusion II organized by the Technical Committee Room 12B
MO4.12: Vegetation Parameter Retreival Room 13A
MO4.15: New Satellite Missions II Room 13B
MO4.5: SAR Image Enhancement Room 14A
MO4.13: Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (NPP) Data Products Room 14B
MO4.1: Bistatic SAR II Room 14C
MO4.11: Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission Room 21A
MO4.16: Change Detection and Multitemporal Image Analysis I Room 21B
MO4.9: Remote Sensing of Sea Surface Salinity II Room 22A
17:20 - 19:00
MOP.P: Applications of Infrared Imaging of Air-Water Interfaces Poster Area
MOP.P: Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (NPP) Environmental and Sensor Data Records Poster Area
MOP.P: Soil Moisture: Active and Passive Poster Area
MOP.P: Subsurface Sensing II Poster Area
MOP.P: Inland Waters Poster Area
MOP.P: Soil Moisture and Vegetation: Radar Poster Area
MOP.P: Geographic Information Science: Applications Poster Poster Area
MOP.P: Soil Moisture: Passive Microwave Poster Area
MOP.P: Geographic Information Science: Theory, Algorithms, and Systems Poster Area
MOP.P: Hydrology Poster Area
MOP.P: Soil Moisture: Applications Poster Area
MOP.P: Dynamics of Earth Processes and Climate Change: Atmosphere Poster Area
MOP.P: Frequency Allocations in Remote Sensing and RFI Mitigation for Current and Future Sensors Poster Area
MOP.P: Methods and Analysis for Bistatic SAR Poster Area
MOP.P: Disasters and Hazards I - Flood Risk and Flood Monitoring Poster Area
MOP.P: Remote Sensing of Land Surface Energy Budget Poster Area
MOP.P: Disasters and Hazards II - Earthquakes and Tsunami Poster Area
MOP.P: Disasters and Hazards III - Volcanos, Oil Spill, Earthquakes, Etc. Poster Area
MOP.P: Disasters and Hazards IV - Natural Disasteer Management Poster Area
MOP.P: Disasters and Hazards V - Natural Disaster Monitoring and Management Poster Area
MOP.P: Subsurface Sensing I Poster Area
MOP.P: High Resolution Imagery: Methods and Applications Poster Area
MOP.P: Remote Sensing of Wetlands Poster Area
MOP.P: 3D Imaging Poster Area
MOP.P: Dynamic Processes of the Earth Poster Area
MOP.P: Dynamics of Earth Processes and Climate Change:Biosphere Poster Area
MOP.P: New Satellite Missions and Instruments Poster Area
MOP.P: Assimilation Poster Area
MOP.P: New Satellite Missions Poster Area
MOP.P: SMOS Observations over Land Poster Area
Tuesday, July 24
08:20 - 10:00
TU1.10: Soil Moisture: Radar I Room 2
TU1.6: Radar Remote Sensing of Land: A Session in Honor of Prof. Fawwaz Ulaby I Room 3
TU1.14: DInSAR Applications Room 4A
TU1.4: Hyperspectral Image Analysis Room 4B
TU1.2: Advanced Methods for Polarimetric Information Extraction A Room 5
TU1.3: Student Paper Contest I Room 11
TU1.8: Airborne and Spaceborne Remote Sensing of Polar Ice Cover A Room 12A
TU1.7: Urban Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Room 12B
TU1.12: Active Remote Sensing of Forest Structures Room 13A
TU1.15: ESA's Sentinel Missions in support of GMES Services and their Utilization in Science I Room 13B
TU1.5: Image Registration Room 14A
TU1.13: RADARSAT Room 14B
TU1.1: Differential SAR Interferometry I Room 14C
TU1.11: Cloud and Precipitation Retrieval Room 21A
TU1.16: Change Detection and Multitemporal Image Analysis II Room 21B
TU1.9: Ocean Biology (Color) and Water Quality Room 22A
10:30 - 12:10
TU2.10: Soil Moisture: Passive Microwave Room 2
TU2.6: Radar Remote Sensing of Land: A Session in Honor of Prof. Fawwaz Ulaby II Room 3
TU2.14: Dynamics of Earth Processes and Climate Change: Hydrosphere Room 4A
TU2.4: Spectral Unmixing I Room 4B
TU2.2: Advanced Methods for Polarimetric Information Extraction B Room 5
TU2.3: Student Paper Contest II Room 11
TU2.8: Airborne and Spaceborne Remote Sensing of Polar Ice Cover B Room 12A
TU2.7: New Instruments Room 12B
TU2.12: Active Remote Sensing for Forest Change Detection Room 13A
TU2.15: ESA's Sentinel Missions in support of GMES Services and their Utilization in Science II Room 13B
TU2.5: Advanced Methods for Image Classification Room 14A
TU2.13: ENVISAT - 10 years Achievements I Room 14B
TU2.1: Differential SAR Interferometry II Room 14C
TU2.11: Tropical Cyclone and Extreme Weather Remote Sensing Room 21A
TU2.16: Change Detection and Multitemporal Image Analysis III Room 21B
TU2.9: Ocean Surface Winds and Currents I Room 22A
13:30 - 15:10
TU3.10: Soil Moisture: Radar II Room 2
TU3.6: Millimeter and Sub-Millimeter Wave Radiometry I organized by the Technical Committee Room 3
TU3.14: Dynamics of Earth Processes and Climate Change: Atmosphere Room 4A
TU3.4: Advanced Concepts in Hyperspectral Data Processing Room 4B
TU3.2: SAR Polarimetry: Theory and Applications I Room 5
TU3.3: Advanced SAR Techniques and Digital Beamforming as Honorary Session for Prof. Werner Wiesbeck A Room 11
TU3.8: Remote Sensing of Snow Properties I Room 12A
TU3.7: SAR Processing and Calibration Room 12B
TU3.12: Vegetation Change Detection Room 13A
TU3.15: Sentinel-1 I Room 13B
TU3.5: SAR Image Processing I Room 14A
TU3.13: ENVISAT - 10 years Achievements II Room 14B
TU3.1: TanDEM-X Mission Status and First Scientific Results I Room 14C
TU3.11: Atmospheric Sounding I Room 21A
TU3.16: Climate Data Records From Satellite Observations to Analyse Climate Variability and Change I Room 21B
TU3.9: Ocean Surface Winds and Currents II Room 22A
15:40 - 17:20
TU4.10: Soil Moisture: Algorithms and Validation Room 2
TU4.6: Millimeter and Sub-Millimeter Wave Radiometry II organized by the Technical Committee Room 3
TU4.14: Dynamics of Earth Processes and Climate Change: Disasters and Hazards I Room 4A
TU4.4: Classification of Hyperspectral Data Room 4B
TU4.2: SAR Polarimetry: Theory and Applications II Room 5
TU4.3: Advanced SAR Techniques and Digital Beamforming as Honorary Session for Prof. Werner Wiesbeck B Room 11
TU4.8: Remote Sensing of Snow Properties II Room 12A
TU4.7: SAR Validation Room 12B
TU4.12: Canopy and Leaf Structure Room 13A
TU4.15: Sentinel-1 II Room 13B
TU4.5: SAR Image Processing II Room 14A
TU4.13: ENVISAT - 10 years Achievements III Room 14B
TU4.1: TanDEM-X Mission Status and First Scientific Results II Room 14C
TU4.11: Atmospheric Sounding II Room 21A
TU4.16: Climate Data Records From Satellite Observations to Analyse Climate Variability and Change II Room 21B
TU4.9: Ocean Surface Winds and Currents III Room 22A
17:20 - 19:00
TUP.P: Change Detection II Poster Area
TUP.P: Image Pan-Sharpening and Fusion Poster Area
TUP.P: Atmospheric Sounding Poster Area
TUP.P: Ocean Altimetry Poster Area
TUP.P: Precipitation, Clouds and Atmospheric Topics Poster Area
TUP.P: SAR Image Processing II Poster Area
TUP.P: Ocean Biology Poster Area
TUP.P: Topography, Geology, Geomorphology I Poster Area
TUP.P: Numerical Weather Prediction and Data Assimilation Poster Area
TUP.P: Image Analysis Poster Area
TUP.P: Topography, Geology, Geomorphology II Poster Area
TUP.P: Ocean Surface Winds I Poster Area
TUP.P: Image Processing Applications II Poster Area
TUP.P: Ocean Temperature and Salinity Poster Area
TUP.P: Ocean Surface Winds II Poster Area
TUP.P: Ocean Surface Currents Poster Area
TUP.P: SAR Image Processing I Poster Area
TUP.P: SAR Image Processing III Poster Area
TUP.P: Image Processing Applications I Poster Area
TUP.P: Image Registration and Enhancement Poster Area
TUP.P: Data Management and Systems I Poster Area
TUP.P: Aerosol Remote Sensing, Trace Gases, and Air Quality I Poster Area
TUP.P: Aerosol Remote Sensing, Trace Gases, and Air Quality II Poster Area
TUP.P: Coastal Zones I Poster Area
TUP.P: Coastal Zones II Poster Area
TUP.P: Data Management and Systems II Poster Area
Wednesday, July 25
08:20 - 10:00
WE1.10: SMOS Instrument Calibration and Performance Room 2
WE1.6: Active Microwave Calibation and New Sensor Room 3
WE1.14: Dynamics of Earth Processes and Climate Change: Disasters and Hazards II Room 4A
WE1.4: Applications of Hyperspectral Data Room 4B
WE1.2: Polarimetric SAR Interferometry I Room 5
WE1.3: Sensor Interoperability and Robustness in the Monitoring of Tropical Forests Room 11
WE1.8: Ice Sheets and Glaciers I Room 12A
WE1.7: SAR Calibration Room 12B
WE1.12: Vegetation Biophysical Properties Room 13A
WE1.15: Advances in Interaction Models in Support of Active Microwave Remote Sensing of Natural Surfaces I Room 13B
WE1.5: Image Analysis Room 14A
WE1.13: GEOSS and Users: The Power of Interoperability Room 14B
WE1.1: High Resolution SAR I Room 14C
WE1.11: Trace Gases Room 21A
WE1.16: Climate Data Records From Satellite Observations to Analyse Climate Variability and Change III Room 21B
WE1.9: Ocean Surface Winds and Currents IV Room 22A
10:30 - 12:10
WE2.10: Advanced Imaging Spectrometers organized by the Technical Committee Room 2
WE2.6: Microwave Radiometer Technology Room 3
WE2.14: Dynamics of Earth Processes and Climate Change: Disasters and Hazards III Room 4A
WE2.4: Spectral Band Selection and Feature Extraction Room 4B
WE2.2: Polarimetric SAR Interferometry II Room 5
WE2.3: Subsurface Sensing: Systems Room 11
WE2.8: Ice Sheets and Glaciers II Room 12A
WE2.7: SAR Mission Calibration and Validation Room 12B
WE2.12: Data Fusion III Room 13A
WE2.15: Advances in Interaction Models in Support of Active Microwave Remote Sensing of Natural Surfaces II Room 13B
WE2.5: Hyperspectral Image Processing Room 14A
WE2.13: GEOSS-based Earthquake Anomaly Recognition I Room 14B
WE2.1: High Resolution SAR II Room 14C
WE2.11: Aerosol Remote Sensing A Room 21A
WE2.16: Complex Image Analysis: Applications to VHR SAR Scene Understanding Room 21B
WE2.9: Ocean Altimetry Room 22A
13:30 - 15:10
WE3.10: Geospatial Semantic Web and Ontologies I organized by the Technical Committee Room 2
WE3.6: Microwave Radiometer Calibration Room 3
WE3.14: Dynamics of Earth Processes and Climate Change: Disasters and Hazards IV Room 4A
WE3.4: Spectral Unmixing II Room 4B
WE3.2: Signal Processing Techniques for POL-SAR and POL-InSAR Applications Room 5
WE3.3: Subsurface Sensing: Methods Room 11
WE3.8: Cryosphere: Sea Ice I Room 12A
WE3.7: Frequency Allocations in Remote Sensing and RFI Mitigation for Current and Future Sensors I organized by the Technical Committee Room 12B
WE3.12: Vegetation Health Room 13A
WE3.15: Advanced Topics in Microwave Radiometry Room 13B
WE3.5: SAR Image Processing III Room 14A
WE3.13: Synergistic Utilization of TerraSAR-X and RADARSAT-2 Data I Room 14B
WE3.1: High Resolution SAR III Room 14C
WE3.11: Aerosol Remote Sensing B Room 21A
WE3.16: Active Remote Sensing in Agriculture Room 21B
WE3.9: SMOS Observations over Land I Room 22A
15:40 - 17:20
WE4.10: Geospatial Semantic Web and Ontologies II organized by the Technical Committee Room 2
WE4.6: Microwave Radiometer Missions Room 3
WE4.14: Applications Integrating Multiple Observing Systems Room 4A
WE4.4: Optical and Infrared Modelling I Room 4B
WE4.2: SAR Polarimetry Techniques I Room 5
WE4.3: Subsurface Sensing: Applications Room 11
WE4.8: Cryosphere: Sea Ice II Room 12A
WE4.7: Frequency Allocations in Remote Sensing and RFI Mitigation for Current and Future Sensors II organized by the Technical Committee Room 12B
WE4.12: High Resolution Retrieval of Vegetation Structure Room 13A
WE4.15: Advances in Remote Sensing of Biomass Dynamic Room 13B
WE4.5: Image Restoration and Enhancement Room 14A
WE4.13: Synergistic Utilization of TerraSAR-X and RADARSAT-2 Data II Room 14B
WE4.1: Ionospheric and Tropospheric Observation Room 14C
WE4.11: Numerical Weather Prediction and Data Assimilation Room 21A
WE4.16: Mapping of Agricultural Systems using Remote Sensing Room 21B
WE4.9: SMOS Observations over Land II Room 22A
17:20 - 19:00
WEP.P: Classification of Hyperspectral Data Poster Area
WEP.P: UAV Sensors, Platforms and Technology Poster Area
WEP.P: Cryosphere: Sea Ice Poster Poster Area
WEP.P: Multibaseline, Filtering, Advanced Observations Poster Area
WEP.P: Optical and Infrared Modelling I Poster Area
WEP.P: Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets and Glaciers Poster Area
WEP.P: Optical and Infrared Modelling II Poster Area
WEP.P: High Performance Computing and Data Correction in Hyperspectral Imagery Poster Area
WEP.P: Spectral Unmixing, Feature Extraction Poster Area
WEP.P: Hyperspectral Imagery for the Monitoring of the Environment Poster Area
WEP.P: SAR Instruments, Mitigation, Simulation Poster Area
WEP.P: Remote Sensing of Snow Properties II Poster Area
WEP.P: Advances in Microwave Radiometers and Calibration Techniques Poster Area
WEP.P: Microwave Radiometer Missions Poster Area
WEP.P: SAR Calibration and Validation Poster Area
WEP.P: Hyperspectral Applications: Passive Optical and Hyperspectral Sensors Poster Area
WEP.P: Active Microwave Calibation and New Sensor II Poster Area
WEP.P: Hyperspectral Image Processing Poster Area
WEP.P: Image Segmentation Poster Area
WEP.P: Optical Image Analysis Poster Area
WEP.P: Image Processing Poster Area
WEP.P: Applications of Hyperspectral Imagery Poster Area
WEP.P: Lidar Performance and Processing Poster Area
WEP.P: Permafrost and Seasonally Frozen Ground Poster Area
WEP.P: Compressed Sensing, Coregistration Poster Area
WEP.P: Airborne SAR, SAR Applications Poster Area
WEP.P: Remote Sensing of Snow Properties I Poster Area
WEP.P: Active Microwave Calibation and New Sensor I Poster Area
WEP.P: High Resolution SAR Poster Area
WEP.P: Persistent Scatterer, Implementation Poster Area
WEP.P: Deformation Poster Area
WEP.P: DInSAR and Interferometry Poster Area
WEP.P: Image Classification Poster Area
WEP.P: Remote Sensing of Mountain Glaciers Poster Area
WEP.P: Ground-Based Systems Poster Area
Thursday, July 26
08:20 - 10:00
TH1.10: Assimilation I Room 2
TH1.6: Phenology - Bridging the Gap between Ground Observations and Remotely Sensed Imagery Room 3
TH1.14: Lidar Systems and Technologies Room 4A
TH1.4: Optical and Infrared Modelling II Room 4B
TH1.2: SAR Polarimetry Techniques II Room 5
TH1.3: Absorption and Scattering by Volumes of Particles Room 11
TH1.8: Permafrost and Seasonally Frozen Ground Room 12A
TH1.7: Data Management and Systems Room 12B
TH1.12: Vegetation Structure Retrieval at Multiple Scales Room 13A
TH1.15: Aerosol Remote Sensing from Space Room 13B
TH1.5: Image Classification Techniques Room 14A
TH1.13: COSMO-SkyMed - Last Achievements in Scientific Research and Applications I Room 14B
TH1.1: TanDEM-X Interferometry Room 14C
TH1.11: New Developments in Ocean Monitoring from Spaceborne SAR Room 21A
TH1.16: Remotely Sensed Estimation of Crop Parameters Room 21B
TH1.9: Remote Sensing of Land Surface Energy Budget Room 22A
10:30 - 12:10
TH2.10: Assimilation II Room 2
TH2.6: Feature Extraction and Estimation Room 3
TH2.14: Passive Optical and Hyperspectral Sensors Room 4A
TH2.4: Optical and Infrared Modelling III Room 4B
TH2.2: SAR Polarimetry for Earth Observation I Room 5
TH2.3: Microwave Signatures of Soil and Vegetation Room 11
TH2.8: Inland Waters I Room 12A
TH2.7: Data Processing, Analysis and Management Room 12B
TH2.12: Data Integration for Forest Characterization Room 13A
TH2.15: Geographic Information Science: Applications Room 13B
TH2.5: Pansharpening and Image fusion Room 14A
TH2.13: COSMO-SkyMed - Last Achievements in Scientific Research and Applications II Room 14B
TH2.1: SAR Interferometry I Room 14C
TH2.11: Recent Innovations in Earth Science Remote Sensing Technology Development at NASA Room 21A
TH2.16: Classification and Identification of Agricultural Land Cover Room 21B
TH2.9: SMOS Observations over Oceans I Room 22A
13:30 - 15:10
TH3.10: Radar Remote Sensing of Wetlands I Room 2
TH3.6: Information Extraction from Multitemporal Sequences Room 3
TH3.14: Sensor Performance and Simulation::Passive Optical and Hyperspectral Sensors Room 4A
TH3.2: SAR Polarimetry for Earth Observation II Room 5
TH3.3: SAR Imaging Room 11
TH3.8: Inland Waters II Room 12A
TH3.7: Remote Sensing Data and Policy Decisions Room 12B
TH3.12: From Data Archive Centers to Knowledge Creation Collaboratories I organized by the Technical Committee Room 13A
TH3.15: Geographic Information Science: Grid and Web Services Room 13B
TH3.5: Feature Detection in Images Room 14A
TH3.13: ESA's candidate Earth Explorer missions - BIOMASS, CoReH2O, PREMIER I Room 14B
TH3.1: SAR Interferometry II Room 14C
TH3.11: Space Lidar: Missions, Technologies and Observations I organized by the Technical Committee Room 21A
TH3.16: Urban Remote Sensing I Room 21B
TH3.9: SMOS Observations over Oceans II Room 22A
15:40 - 17:20
TH4.10: Radar Remote Sensing of Wetlands II Room 2
TH4.6: Information Extraction: Multisensor Data Fusion Room 3
TH4.14: UAV and Airborne Remote Sensing Room 4A
TH4.4: Special Session on Ocean Electromagnetic Scattering with Application to Synthetic Aperture Radar Applications - In Memoriam of Donald R. Thompson Room 4B
TH4.2: SAR Polarimetry Room 5
TH4.3: Tomographic SAR Techniques Room 11
TH4.8: Ocean as the Source and Sink of Carbon Dioxide Observed from Space Room 12A
TH4.7: Remote Sensing and Education Room 12B
TH4.12: From Data Archive Centers to Knowledge Creation Collaboratories II organized by the Technical Committee Room 13A
TH4.15: State-of-the-Art of Urban Remote Sensing Room 13B
TH4.5: Hyperspectral Data Processing for Security and Defense Room 14A
TH4.13: ESA's candidate Earth Explorer missions - BIOMASS, CoReH2O, PREMIER II Room 14B
TH4.1: DEM, MTI and Ship Detection Room 14C
TH4.11: Space Lidar: Missions, Technologies and Observations II organized by the Technical Committee Room 21A
TH4.16: SAR Applications in Urban Remote Sensing Room 21B
TH4.9: Ocean Temperature and Salinity Room 22A
17:20 - 19:00
THP.P: Scattering and SAR Techniques II Poster Area
THP.P: Scattering and SAR Techniques III Poster Area
THP.P: Remote Sensing for Disease and Environmental Stress Detection Poster Area
THP.P: Characterising Land Surfaces Poster Area
THP.P: Modeling and Estimation of Hydrological and Vegetation Parameters in Agricultural Regions Poster Area
THP.P: Biodiversity and Forest Health Poster Area
THP.P: Forest Biomass and Carbon Poster Area
THP.P: Change Detection I Poster Area
THP.P: Vegetation Phenology and Productivity Poster Area
THP.P: Foliage and Canopy Characterisation Poster Area
THP.P: Quantifying Vegetation Processes and Structure Poster Area
THP.P: Image Information: Environmental and Hazard Applications Poster Area
THP.P: Image Information Extraction Poster Area
THP.P: Land Cover and Change Poster Area
THP.P: Image Information Extraction: Detection of Man-made Features Poster Area
THP.P: Information Extraction for Atmospheric and Environmental Applications Poster Area
THP.P: Information Extraction: Signal Processing Applications Poster Area
THP.P: Information Extraction: Classification and Fusion Poster Area
THP.P: Change and Forests Poster Area
THP.P: Land Cover: Urban and Interface Areas Poster Area
THP.P: Mapping Change Poster Area
THP.P: Change in Land Cover Poster Area
THP.P: SAR Image Analysis Poster Area
THP.P: SAR Polarimetry I Poster Area
THP.P: Urban Remote Sensing I Poster Area
THP.P: Urban Remote Sensing II Poster Area
THP.P: Retreival of Forest Structural Attributes Poster Area
THP.P: Scattering and SAR Techniques I Poster Area
THP.P: SAR Polarimetry II Poster Area
Friday, July 27
08:20 - 10:00
FR1.10: Forest Land Cover Mapping Room 2
FR1.6: Information Extraction from SAR images Room 3
FR1.14: Ground-Based Systems I Room 4A
FR1.4: Satellite Photogrammetry with the New Generation of High-resolution Sensors Room 4B
FR1.2: Upcoming Global Survey Optical Satellite Missions: Landsat Data Continuity Mission and Sentinel-2 I Room 5
FR1.3: Tomography and 3D imaging Room 11
FR1.8: Ocean Vector Wind Sensor Applications from Research to Operation Room 12A
FR1.7: Advanced Methods for Detecting and Mitigating Radio-Frequency Interference Room 12B
FR1.12: Synergy of Spaceborne EO Products to Map the Essential Climate Variable Biomass I Room 13A
FR1.15: Superresolution and Sub-pixel Classification for Hyperspectral Imagery Room 13B
FR1.5: HyspIRI: Climate Science from Global Imaging Spectroscopy and Multi-Spectral Thermal Measurements Room 14A
FR1.13: Novelty Detection and One-class Classification Room 14B
FR1.1: Airborne SAR and InSAR I Room 14C
FR1.11: Sparse Signal Reconstruction and Compressive Sensing in Earth Observation I Room 21A
FR1.16: Urban Remote Sensing II Room 21B
FR1.9: Coastal Zones I Room 22A
10:30 - 12:10
FR2.10: Land Cover Mapping Techniques Room 2
FR2.6: Information Extraction: Urban Areas and Transportation Room 3
FR2.14: Ground-Based Systems II Room 4A
FR2.4: Remote Sensing of Terrestrial Environmental Observatories for Ecosystem Research Room 4B
FR2.2: Upcoming Global Survey Optical Satellite Missions: Landsat Data Continuity Mission and Sentinel-2 II Room 5
FR2.3: Recent Advances in GNSS Reflectometry Room 11
FR2.8: Pléiades, a dual optical system for metric resolution observations : thematic space applications Room 12A
FR2.7: Land Cover, Water, and Climate Room 12B
FR2.12: Synergy of Spaceborne EO Products to Map the Essential Climate Variable Biomass II Room 13A
FR2.15: Long Term Preservation on Earth Observation Data: Cooperation Activities and Applications Room 13B
FR2.5: Hyperspectral Vegetation Mapping I - Forests and Natural Areas Room 14A
FR2.13: Education, Training and Capacity Building in Remote Sensing - Global and Regional Programmes Room 14B
FR2.1: Airborne SAR and InSAR II Room 14C
FR2.11: Sparse Signal Reconstruction and Compressive Sensing in Earth Observation II Room 21A
FR2.16: DEM, Mapping, and Mineral Deposits Room 21B
FR2.9: Coastal Zones II Room 22A
13:30 - 15:10
FR3.10: Agricultural Land Cover Change Room 2
FR3.6: Information Extraction: Object Extraction and Classification Room 3
FR3.14: Radiometric Calibration for Optical Sensors I Room 4A
FR3.4: New Trends in Multimode and Multispectral Remote Sensing Data Processing I Room 4B
FR3.2: In Flight Calibration of Optical Satellite Sensors Using Pseudo Invariant Calibration Sites Room 5
FR3.3: Quantitative Land Surface Composition Mapping Room 11
FR3.8: Remote Sensing of Vegetation Fluorescence I Room 12A
FR3.7: Modelling for Forest Characterization Room 12B
FR3.12: Earth Observation for Public Health I Room 13A
FR3.15: Land Remote Sensing Data Assimilation: Where are we? Room 13B
FR3.5: Hyperspectral Vegetation Mapping II – Agricultural Applications Room 14A
FR3.13: Education, Training and Capacity Building in Remote Sensing - Tools and Software Room 14B
FR3.1: Extraction of Geospatial Information for Space Borne SAR-Sensors with High Spatial Resolution Room 14C
FR3.11: Remote Sensing using GNSS-like Signals and Other Sensors I Room 21A
FR3.16: Surface Topo and Surface Movement Monitoring Room 21B
FR3.9: SAR Remote Sensing for a Dynamic Ocean Room 22A
15:40 - 17:20
FR4.10: Land Cover Mapping with Radar Room 2
FR4.6: Information Extraction: Classification Room 3
FR4.14: Radiometric Calibration for Optical Sensors II Room 4A
FR4.4: New Trends in Multimode and Multispectral Remote Sensing Data Processing II Room 4B
FR4.2: Innovative SAR Sensors for Applications in Hydrology Room 5
FR4.3: The GEO Geohazard Supersites - Seismic Hazards and SAR Interferometry Room 11
FR4.8: Remote Sensing of Vegetation Fluorescence II Room 12A
FR4.7: Recent Advances in Radiometric Calibration Techniques Room 12B
FR4.12: Earth Observation for Public Health II Room 13A
FR4.15: Machine Learning Meets New Remote Sensing Applications Room 13B
FR4.5: Hyperspectral Remote Sensing in Shallow Waters Room 14A
FR4.13: Education, Training and Capacity Building in Remote Sensing - Space Agencies Room 14B
FR4.1: Geophysical Parameters Retrieval from Geostationary Satellites Data: Algorithms and Products Room 14C
FR4.11: Remote Sensing using GNSS-like Signals and Other Sensors II Room 21A
FR4.16: Tropical forest biomass using P-band SAR data-The BIOMASS mission Room 21B
FR4.9: Radar Remote Sensing of the Ocean at Grazing Incidence Room 22A